1. Payment for all attendance must be made weekly or monthly in advance. 2.
Please advise of any illness prior to collection
of your dog – please be particularly vigilant for any signs of your dog coughing. 3.
Any animal with a contagious illness cannot
be accepted at the DDCC and should this illness develop while they are attending the DDCC, we will contact you and either
take them directly to your vet or alternatively deliver them home immediately. 4. We will treat all minor injuries and report back to you. Any major injuries
will be taken directly to your vet and you will be informed using the emergency contact number supplied. 5.
All vet bills incurred from treating your
animal are your responsibility regardless of how the injury was sustained. 6. Information Sheet 1 must be completed together with the customer declaration form prior to any dog
attending the DDCC. 7. All
dogs must be neutered (over the age of six months) and friendly. Any dogs found to be aggressive will not be accommodated
at the DDCC. 8. In addition
to the standard annual vaccinations, we also ask that you obtain the kennel cough vaccination for your dog prior to attending
Day Care. These vaccinations must be kept up to date and copies of certificates produced after each annual vaccination.